Saturday, August 1, 2009

Day 15: Party Worth Crashing

Today is a day for touristy stuff. We're walking around Philly checking out the Liberty Bell and a few other things yet to be determined. For me, the best part so far was last night. I went with my brother and his girlfriend to a house party at a friend's place. It felt so good to be around people my age again, laughing with a beer in hand as I met people whose names I don't remember anymore.

As such, today I am grateful for:
  • getting to tag along to the party.
  • all the people who made an effort to talk to me and entertain me. (Flying eagle!)
  • ceiling fans that don't hurt when you hit them, purposely or accidentally.
  • getting to be a tourist today.
  • my new skirt which is making me feel super cute and keeping me cool.

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