Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Quinoa and Dates

Today I rediscovered two of my favorite foods: Quinoa and Dates. Not together of course, but they are both wonderful in their own ways. I've been watching TV all day (catching up on things that my mom is threatening to delete off the DVR) and stopping to make myself a yummy quinoa dish (quinoa, steamed zuccinni, black beans, a tomato and some cheese) was a lovely diversion. Other things I'm thankful for today: dates (truly one of the most delicious things on this planet), The Color of Freedom (truly incredible movie I watched this morning about Apartheid South Africa), South Africa (which I miss terribly), my funny tan lines form living in my Keens the past few days (my feet look like a quilt of tan and incredibly white), the Tudors (always entertaining), Ease on Down the Road (an awesome song that I can't wait to start choreographing), and finally, so many amazing people responding to my note on facebook about needing music for NOMT, people can be truly wonderful sometimes.

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