Thursday, August 20, 2009

Day 34: Career Bitch

It's only 2:15pm, and the day seems to be going perfectly. I got called back for a second interview for a job that I applied for. Even though I decided to decline another interview (It wasn't the job for me.), it makes me feel accomplished that the interview went as well as I thought it did. Then I checked my email to find that the company that I really want to work for is still interested in me. They had me write a personal letter to the staff explaining a little about myself, and I took a lot of risks in the letter, so I was worried it would blow my chances, but they liked it, and they still like me. I'm supposed to hear more this week.

I'm fully back in Career Bitch mode, and I couldn't be happier. I'm spending the day rebooting and reorganizing my Palm Pilot and figuring out how the Hell I want to present myself in the upcoming interview. On top of that, I have a kick ass dinner planned.

Also, today is my brother's birthday. He turns twenty-six today. It's rather obvious from previous posts (and anything anyone has ever heard me say about my brother) that we have a special relationship and that I really love him. I'm sad I couldn't be with him today, but I'm so grateful that he's happy where he is.

Other reasons for gratitude include:
  • finally writing to Kelli. I'm in the middle of writing her right now, and it's nice to have a friend who likes writing old school letters as well. Plus, there's just a lot I want to tell her.
  • a job prospect that means I could actually afford some of the cute clothes I've been looking at. (Not to mention, a job prospect where some of those same clothes could be put to use in my work wardrobe.)
  • Em. I'm so glad we've managed to keep in touch. She's always there for me, and we really understand each other. (I need to write her back today.)
  • the rain. It's been pouring today, and I've missed that so much. It feels like home when it rains like this.
  • having my father actually say he was proud of me today. That doesn't happen that often. I actually don't remember the last time it's happened... But it happened today.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the shout-out. :) I'm so glad to have you.
