Sunday, August 23, 2009

Day 37: The Heart Breaker Shirt

I've never been this nervous to hear back about a job. Quite frankly, I've never had to wait this long to hear if they even want to meet me. I'm in the middle of applying for the best job I have found down here, and it's turning me into a fifteen-year-old waiting for a boy to call. (And since I never went through that stage, I have no practice.)

I found the perfect interview outfit at Francesca's yesterday, and I'm really happy with the follow-up application I submitted, but I'm less used to the "I'll talk to you next week" way of doing business. I'm not saying it's bad. It's to me. I'm not great at waiting.

I keep telling myself to calm down and that it'll come when it comes. But I really hope I don't need to start writing more cover letters.

Today, I extend my gratitude for:
  • Netflix. It's helping me with distractions.
  • the calm feeling I woke up with. I got a little emotionally rattled yesterday, but today it's completely out of my mind.
  • the heart breaker shirt. I busted it out yesterday, and it reminded me of being back in San Francisco with Kelli and Lauren.
  • knowing. I don't mean that cryptically. It's just a broad statement.
  • spiral notebooks. I always like working with pen and paper before typing something on the computer. It helps me get started.

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