Sunday, August 2, 2009

Stress a Lurky McLurkerson

OK so I've moved and I've made it to the homeland but now I have this wedding and bachelorette party to contend with. When disorganization prevails it's hard to not get frustrated. Explaining to non-musicians why------ THAT PIANO SUCKS ASS BECAUSE YOU HAVE TO POUND ON IT SO FIND ME A FRIGGIN KEYBOARD PEOPLE. stat. Thanks.-----is very frustrating. Ugh.

ANYWAYS....other than that life is awesome, I swear! Haha. It's been fun getting the random texts from Sam and DEF makes me want to visit Philly. Maybe I'll go there instead of Mexico for spring break although I have a sand, sun, and umbrella drinks rule about spring break. The week needs to end with my hair FILLED with umbrellas just like Audrey Tautou in Priceless (KICK-ass movie---everyone should see it).

I'm grateful for:
  • Making it home.
  • Finding another formal dress to add to my collection. (my previous roommate asked why I have so many pretty dresses and I replied with: "It's my job to have pretty dresses." Which it is. Which is awesome.
  • My baby cousin Kelly who just read me a story and then told me to go to bed! Haha. It was pretty amazing, not gonna lie.
  • Shopping with my mom. It felt like home when we went shopping today and she'd zip up my dresses. Loves it.
  • The best damn Teriyaki I've had in forever. Apparently Teriyaki does not exist in CO cause I'm pretty sure I've never seen one which is weird since there are A MILLION here in WA.
Well, I'm off to try and survive this week. It's all gonna be OK and I just have to keep telling myself to LET. GO.

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