Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Alright ladies---I get it. I suck at life. Blogging really has to become a discipline! So school started on Monday and it's already felt like ten years of my life has flown by in less than a week. It doesn't help that I have a class everyday: FRENCH. Kill. me. now. The ONLY reason I'm taking French is because I totally suck at it and need to know at least the syntax and the flow of it for singing opera (esp since a lot of the French composers REALLY know how to write a beautiful melodic line!). UGH. So. My CO bff and I are taking French. I'm also wrapping up this musical Caffeine and starting up rehearsals for Magic Flute. Good times.

Gratefulness thusly follows:

  • Starting my LAST year of school. EVER. (This time for reals).
  • Chocolate Chip Cookies....just made them & they're delish & the house smells delish.
  • Old school Will & Grace. Loves it.
  • A good-ass theatre production. Just saw a kick ass version of Midsummer's Night Dream. Loved it. Onion boobs were involved. Awesome.
  • Potato burrito from Big City Burrito. It's brilliant: potato, cheese & ranch. O.M.G.
  • The awfulness that is Princess Diaries II. Just watched it with the roomie---best line? "You make all the boy mooses go UUUGHHHHHHHHH." What. Brilliance.
  • The fact that I have spread the love & joy of The Fug Girls. You're welcome.
  • Decorating the new room.
  • Not being the new kid on the block at school.
Love you all!!!!!!!


  1. I just had to watch PD 2 again after this. I love the terribleness. I embrace it and laugh hysterically.

  2. ANOTHER fave part? Raven singing with Julie. Le sigh. Crowning Glory is pretty sweet and whenever the roomie & I need a good giggle I'll reprise it for her. Good times.
