Sunday, August 9, 2009

Day 23: Walking Like a Pro

I've officially decided (after having unofficially decided a few days ago) to hold off on going back to school until the Spring. Originally, I was going to go back in September and take a few classes at the local community college, but while I was in Philly I was thinking about it, and I decided to hold off and apply to a few online programs at a few universities. If nothing else, I'll head to NPCC (National Park Community College) in the Spring, but I'm hoping a university will give me the diversity of classes I've become accustomed to. I've never been a school person, but I'm hoping that I can't find the right classes to maybe even enjoy finishing my degree.

I can't even explain how good it feels to be able to take an extra semester. When I took time off, I was really embarrassed that I needed to, but I have an amazing support system who has let me know that needing this time doesn't make me a bad person or psychotic. It just makes me...more sane than I was before I took the break. I am so grateful for those people and this break. Both have honestly saved my life.

I am also grateful for:

  • dinner out with Don and Debbie. Our neighbors invited us out to a great little Mexican restaurant they like.
  • being able to walk semi-normally today. In my long, summer dress, you couldn't even tell that I was walking with my right foot turned out.
  • "Bohemian Rhapsody" nail polish. My toe nails are definitely bright pink right now, and it makes me feel summery.
  • Citizen Girl. It's my current read, and it's so entertaining to find good, young adult fiction. It's not Literature, but it's well-written, and I really relate to the title character.
  • Clinique night moisturizer. My skin feels a-mazing right now.

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