Given all of our love for The Fug Girls, I felt it only appropriate to announce it here.
Really, all I have to do is knock out Whitney Port and Vanessa Hudgens. (And when I say "knock out," I mean in the competition, not in a boxing ring.) Southern living has reindulged my love for shorts and mini-dresses with appropriately cute shoes. I might as well make a solid living out of it right.
If elected, this is my promise to you: I will recognize situations and outfits which necessitate pants. I promise to keep it classy.
Now, to get my gratitude on. I am currently grateful for:
- The Fug Girls. So funny. Usually right.
- high heels. They're a necessity for showing some leg. Plus, they're just cute.
- going all in and upping my text plan to unlimited in and out of network texts. (This has nothing to do with my campaign. It just makes me happy.)
- the blooper real on the Chuck DVD. I laughed so hard that I cried. (Kelli, you have to watch it. It's brilliant and totally endearing.)
- snickerdoodle cookies. I'll give you all one guess what I had for breakfast...
Oh, I've seen it. I got the dvds when they came out months ago. I love the blooper reel. I particularly like all the dancing.