Monday, August 10, 2009

Youtube Homework

I'll make this short and sweet since it's late and I'm exhuasted and need to get to sleep. But I am grateful for lots today.
  • Having reliable internet today! Though the guy who runs the internet that my mom uses is somewhat less than reliable he seems to have finally fixed our problem and hopefully the internet will stay speedy quick until I get back to Tacoma!
  • Moving the treadmill into the dining room so I can get to work on choreography.
  • Learning original Broadway choreography via YouTube. It truly is a great tool for making musical theatre available to the masses.
  • Learning the original choreography to the slow part of The Dance at the Gym. Possibly the most iconic Broadway choreography EVER. But now I realized I need to learn the guys part too...thankfully it is basically the girls part on the other side!
  • Learning the original choreography to the jazz section of "God I Hope I Get It" form Chorus Line. I know it, this does not mean I can do it. But two hours of YouTube and looking at my computer over my shoulder and it is at least in my brain. I am going to try and practice it every day until auditions and maybe I'll be able to do it by then!
  • Michael Bennet and Jerome Robbins choreography. It will never die. :)

Here is a link to the clip (I think, I've never tried to post a link in a blog before) if you want to check out the crazy choreography I've been struggling through all evening!

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