Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Well, as usual lately, I'm exhausted by the time I sit down to write this. This evening has been fairly frustrating, but I'm still going to make a quick list of gratitude!
  • Making some serious headway on NOMT choreography! Put on Your Sunday Clothes is done, as well as half of Ease on Down the Road! Woot. Ease on Down the Road is going to kick all of our butts. I am sooo sore!
  • Horseback riding with the people from the Pinecone tomorrow!
  • Getting a standing ovation tonight!
  • Pooka. :) Always Pooka.
  • My mom cutting up some AMAZING peaches for me to have in my yogurt today. Yumm. Going back to eating raw is going to be sooo easy with so many of my favorite foods being fruits!!
  • The amazing fresh squeezed OJ I made last night. My electric citrus juicer is seriously one of my all time favorite kitchen appliances.


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