Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Day 40: Got My 45 On So I Can Rock On

Today was a pretty damn good day. My parents took a day trip together, so I had the house to myself with Sophie. I got to lay out in the sun and (try to) get a tan without having to hide my back tattoo from my father. That was a nice change to just throw on a swim suit and lay out on my lower deck with some Kerouc and my cell phone. Then I throw some shorts on and got to listen to some music, get some writing done and just do whatever I pleased. It was just a relaxing "me day."

I'm going to miss summer when it goes away. There's nothing like spending the day in a swim suit and sun glasses and just lounging around. The only thing it was missing was a little girl talk (and an umbrella drink).

Today, I am grateful for:
  • having the house to myself all day.
  • being able to lay out in the sun as long as I wanted.
  • Operation Umbrella Drink (also known as "Kelli, Lauren and Sam's Annual Vacation Plan").
  • having an upper deck that has fans.
  • having my own door (from my bedroom) to said deck. It's the perfect reading spot. Loves it.

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