Saturday, August 22, 2009

Day 36: Text Dates

I don't know what to think right now. I've had one of those emotionally exhausting days that leaves you more confused than sure, and yet it was a really good day. So where does that leave me?

It was a low self-esteem day for me. I woke up noticing everything that is wrong with me, physically as well as emotionally. When I told my mom this, she whisked me off to Little Rock for a little retail therapy at my favorite store. We went to window shop, but I ended up finding two dresses that I loved, and when I could only afford one, my mom sprung for the other. Then, we decided on a spur of the moment trip to Texas. There's a little town just over the border that we're fans of, and it gave us a chance to talk through a lot things. It was this giant emotional purging. I told her things that I haven't told anyone. I had so much fun and laughed really hard for a good portion of the trip, and I'm glad we took it.

But now that I'm back in my house, listening to Jason Mraz and enjoying being back in sweat pants, I'm trying to make sense of everything I said and realized today. I'm not sure what to do with it all. Do I act on it? Can I act on it? Because I want to.

So, on this most confusing of days, I am grateful for:
  • Wii shopping and bar hopping with L last night. It was good to just chat and forget about the things that have been on our minds. Good drinks. Good friend. Good clothing. Good conversation. I can't ask for more (except an in-person version).
  • the text dates I've had with Lauren, Clare and Kelli during the past two days. I needed those conversations a lot more than I realized. They helped me forget about and work through some stuff. I love you girls. Thanks.
  • having two new dresses. I'm on a big dress kick right now. I don't know why. But on a day where I felt like I was chub-tastic and helpless, these dresses made me feel gorgeous. They are magical, and I am so excited to wear them.
  • impromptu mother/daughter road trips. I have the coolest mom ever.
  • my new Garlic Zoom. It's my newest kitchen gadget. It chops garlic, and it's a toy at the same time.

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