Monday, August 24, 2009

Day 38: Friendship

Kelli and I got into a text conversation tonight about friendship. We talked about how weird it is to think back on old friends that we now have nothing in common with and how equally strange it is to realize that we've met the people we intend to be friends with for the rest of our lives. Kelli and I especially have an interesting friendship because we've known each other for the majority of our college experience, but we've only been close for a year or so, but we're extremely close now.

Friendship really is a weird thing. When we're younger, it's all about having someone to play with and someone who you want in your prom group. I'm not saying I didn't have some meaningful relationships because there are a few friends from high school who I'm still close with today. But for the most part, the people who wrote, "friends forever" and "I'll always remember you" in my yearbooks are now just pleasant memories. Even some of the people I latched on to freshman year of college are now people I wish a happy birthday to on Facebook and then forget about for another year. And yet, there is this core group of amazing people that I know I want to keep in my life through everything. It's a weird feeling, but it's a comforting one.

So, today, I am grateful for:
  • Kelli. It was a really good talk tonight, and we're in the midst of another one. I can tell her anything and everything, and I'm so glad we ended up friends.
  • summer dresses. I know I've been grateful for them before, but they really do have magical powers.
  • Clare's polenta lasagna. I made it tonight, and it tasted so good.
  • Clare, for sharing her recipe with me and for being an amazing friend.
  • The Rules. They really do apply to all situations.

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