Sunday, August 9, 2009

No Internet

So, it turns out that it is very difficult to blog when one has no Internet. The Internet at my mom's house has been patchy at best as of late, thus, no blogging from moi. However, I'm at my dad's house at the moment, waiting for the polenta lasagna I just made to bake and I figured I would take a little moment to share some of my gratitude from the past few days!
  • Geysers. My mom and I drove up on Fountain this morning and it was amazing. It was also amazingly cold. But it was positively perfect. We also waited four hours for Grand, but it was a glorious eruption.
  • Last night we had a near sell out at the Pinecone! More than twice our normal audience, which was awesome. A guy bought a box of popcorn on the condition that I dump it over the villain's head. I did so, on stage, in the final scene where I come out in a nun's costume. I seriously wish you guys could see this ridiculous show!
  • Not having to perform again until Wednesday. I love the show, but street is taking a lot out of me. It is hard to walk around town and be cheery and sing for 45 minutes! I swear, it is my job to be happy! Though it is nice to be forced into being happy every other day whether I like it or not.
  • Jason Mraz. We are all obsessed and with good reason, but I just have to say that I'm one step closer to becoming the love of his life b/c I'm a dancer and a vegetarian...seriously, I need to go to ACT in San Fran for grad school so I can casually bump into him at Cafe Gratitude. :)
  • SYTYCD. I'm mourning the season, but so excited there will be another this fall. One of my projects for the week is going through all the episodes still on my DVR to steal (and by steal I mean artistically borrow) moves for NOMT this year.
  • Hillary Parsons, who messaged me today about the tap number for NOMT.
  • Finding original choreography to use for NOMT on youtube. (ie The Dance at the Gym and God I hope I Get It)
  • Noam wanting to attempt to recreate original lighting schemes for NOMT. I seriously think this is going to be the most researched musical review ever, but it will be totally worth it and the more I learn about MT History, the more I know it is what I want to do with my life. (Lauren you MUST read Strike up the Band, BRILLIANT!)
  • All of you beautiful women who post here. I know we are changing the world in our own small way by adopting attitudes of gratitude!


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