Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Day 33: Lazy Days of Summer

I stayed up late last night and got up early this morning to work on the coolest follow up to a job application. As a result, I'm kind of tired and content to just content to spend the rest of the night curled up eating the Chinese food that my parents are bringing home to me (They went out to dinner, but I was lame and decided to stay behind.) and watching the NCIS marathon that is currently going on.

Today, I am grateful for:
  • having written something last night and this morning that I am really proud of. It's a good feeling.
  • Emma McLaughlin and Nicola Kraus. They are the fabulous authors of Citizen Girl and Dedication. Both have been good summer reads, and they've kept me entertained. I'm hoping they've written more. (The also wrote The Nanny Diaries which I'll pick up next time I'm at the library.)
  • the Garland County Library. Without it, I would go poor buying books.
  • having a really interesting job prospect.
  • friendships that had turned awkward becoming...un-awkward...again. I had forgotten how much I missed this particular friend. We don't talk much, but it makes me happy when we do, and I know that I can count on him if I need to.

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