Friday, August 14, 2009

Day 28: Correspondence

I'm a little less homesick today. I still want to be at NPCC or walking through Pike Place Market, but I'm also really happy to be here. It's an absolutely gorgeous day, and there are turtles swimming right off our dock. Plus, after the morning walk today, Doby (the neighbor's Basset Hound) decided that I wasn't giving out treats fast enough, so he popped up on my lap and shoved his whole head into the treat box. It was a-dorable and the perfect start to my morning.

I've been talking about writing old school with people for a while now. You know, actual pen and paper... I keep saying I'll do it, but I think I'll actually start now. Maybe that'll help with the home sickness. I don't know what it is, but there's something fun about getting something in the mail. Maybe it's just me, but I've always found it amusing.

So today, on this gorgeous day, I am grateful for:
  • getting a good friend's address in Sweden.
  • my awesome parents. On a day that I was seriously contemplating not eating, they came home from the grocery store with everything for some of my favorite foods (turkey burgers, my mom's awesome pasta salad and french bread with brie).
  • the stuffed "fat cell" that Malin and Becky gave me before I moved to Arkansas. It's a small, stuffed ball of fluff with eyes. It sounds disturbing, but it's adorable. It was one of those things that would either be hilarious or horrible taste. I found it hilarious.
  • coconut lime verbena body lotion. It smells so good.
  • Post-It notes. They're my weirdest obsession. I love them. I use them for everything. It's entirely possible it's a sickness...


  1. Post-Its are amazing, amazing things. We used loads of them at TLT. I love them too.

  2. Oh yeah, and if you give me your address, I will write actual letters to you. I enjoy it as well. Something to do with the whole feeling of pen on paper.
