Sunday, August 30, 2009

Lazy, sunny Sunday

There were plenty of things to be grateful for today: Mother Nature reminding me that summer's not quite over yet, the fabulous smooth feeling of freshly shaved legs, feeling cute in my cuffed jeans, finally finishing sorting through the boxes of stuff I moved home (and sending some to storage), mom's chicken enchiladas, Zac Effron shirtless in 17 Again (such a funny movie, by the way), and finding out that Nick, my best friend from high school, will actually be in Washington for my birthday this year - for the first time in four years.

But the thing I'm most grateful for? An early birthday present from my mom: 2 tickets to the Jason Mraz concert in Portland on Sept. 27th! We were listening to We Sing, We Dance, We Steal Things in my car on the way to and from the grocery store and I mentioned how I'd love to see him in concert.... so she says, "Is he coming here? Why don't we look for tickets when we get home? That could be your birthday present this year, if there's not anything else you want." Um, me wanting something more than Jason Mraz? Right. My mom is awesome.

1 comment:

  1. OMG! I just learned a new shaving trick (and if it's not new to you, oh well....)! Put lotion on your legs while they're still wet after you've shaved them and then let them dry. Result? The smoothest legs ever. Love it. (Oh and YAY for Jason tickets!!!!)
