Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Day 26: Freedom

I've spent the past thirty-six hours absolutely drowning myself in paperwork for job applications, online undergrad programs that are actually accredited, non-profit interests, dance studios and literary magazines. Not that I'm complaining. I feel really productive getting so much done. My "to do" list has been crumpled down to "do laundry, scrub shower, write back to friends." That's a pretty damn manageable list. I'm a little proud of myself.

So as a reward, I'm spending the day lounging (in super-comfy pajama pants and my favorite old tee shirt) and catching up on a little light reading. I've got Kerrigan and Lowdermilk's "Freedom" blasting from my computer speakers, and my head is nodding along to the beat as I let myself get immersed in page after page. It's the perfect afternoon.

Eventually I'll have to get my ass in gear enough to make dinner. I have a serious craving for empanadas, but in all probability, I'll let it wait for tomorrow. Today is a day for an easy-going meal and perhaps a custom cocktail. Mmmm...

Today, I am grateful for:
  • being able to read for pleasure. No explanation needed.
  • YouTube. It's how I'm blasting all this K&L goodness. It's entirely possible I would live a way less cool existence without it.
  • feeling this accomplished. It's such a good feeling. I've missed my Type A, career bitch, "go big or go home" attitude that drives me accomplish as much as possible in a day. (It also makes me feel way less guilty about relaxing.)
  • my giant shower. Nothing is more relaxing than standing under hot water and steam and just letting it wash everything away.
  • this house in general. It's kind of baller.

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