Monday, August 24, 2009

I continue to fail.

I can't believe I haven't been posting. Daily posting is something I need to be better at. You know, the daily part. I'm more of the you-won't-hear-anything-for-three-weeks-then-you-get-an-epic-dump-of-words type of poster. Which thwarts the daily gratitude. I've been doing a little job hunting, house/puppy sat for Lauren's family last week, and have watched almost every episode of Bones ever aired. All in all, it's been pretty lazy since my last post. But there have been plenty of things I can be grateful for.

-Puppies. They will never fail to make me laugh. Watching one pin the other down and sneeze directly in her face was truly hilarious.
-Picnics. Nellie and I ended up down at the waterfront yesterday evening, and it was fun to just sit and eat and talk outside on the grass.
-Water. I've said it before. I will never be able to live somewhere where the ocean isn't within reasonable driving distance. The waterfront is the one place that never fails to lift my mood. It's beautiful and peaceful and I love it.
-Conversations with friends. I've had serious and silly conversations in the last few days, and it's so refreshing to just be able to talk about anything. I'm truly truly blessed to have friends that I can share anything with. Buckets of love are pouring out of my heart in a non-sappy way.
-Ridiculous plans. Nellie and I have thought about and decided on what we would wear and pack if we found out that some sort of evil spy organization was coming to get us and we had five minutes to wake up and get out of the house. (Think about it. SO amusing.) Operation ModCloth Pinup is also a wonderful plan. Sam, I'm thinking I'd also like Australia.
-Chocolate Chip Zucchini Bread. My mom and I had some nice fun bonding time as we mixed up a roasting pan full of dough and the smell is driving me crazy. 5 minutes until I can pull it out and have some!

As usual, there are lots of other things I'm thankful for. But I'll leave it at that for now. And I solemnly swear that I am up to no g-the challenge of posting every day. Yeah, that's it. I'm always well behaved...

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