Thursday, August 6, 2009


So, I didn't post yesterday because I got totally distracted by SYTYCD. I am so excited to find out the results tonight, but I'm also sad that another season will be over. I just hope Mia choreographs a little more this fall! Between Glee and SYTYCD 6, I have a feeling this fall could be a good TV season!

Also, I cooked yesterday! And by cooked, I mean, REALLY cooked. Not just made a sandwich or smoothie or heated up soup! I made some awesome coconut curried veggies with quinoa. Yumm. Super spicy though. :)

So today I'm grateful for an amazing season of SYTYCD that I can't wait to steal from for NOMT this fall :) And I'm thankful for cooking! It is fun and you end up with FOOD! Who knew? ;)

I'm also thankful for passionate SYTYCD discussions even when friends are across the country...


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