Sunday, August 30, 2009

Almost Sold Out

We were two seats away from being sold out on closing night tonight. Good. Times. It's so amazing to have a full house that's there and attentive! And we were recording so it's official!!!! Haha. We had to strike directly after the show since the theatre we used is loading in their first show of the season tomorrow morning. Good times. But we had pizza and candy and soda so all was well. Anyways, I'm SO grateful to have done this show---I've made so many friends that I NEVER would have picked out as being friends with. I love it.


  • Caffeine. I don't drink it, but the show was pretty awesome.
  • All the new friends I made.
  • Inside jokes.
  • Looking hot. Oh yeah---cause I did tonight and totally had an INAPPROPRIATE outfit for strike. But I looked good doing it!
  • Bravo & their ridiculous marathons. Real Housewives of Atlanta was on & it pretty much rocked my world.
  • No French class on the weekend! Woot.
  • Buying stuff on itunes. Insta-music is awesome!
  • Next to Normal (what I bought on itunes). EVERYONE needs this album. For reals.
  • Casual dating. It's so much better than anything serious, don't you think?
  • The new roomies. We may do a photo shoot of the three of us and then post them on our walls in the living room poster size. Yup, you read that right.
Good night!

1 comment:

  1. Amen to casual dating. And I'm seriously liking this poster-size roomie pictures idea. Well played. Love you!
