Tuesday, August 4, 2009

"You ain't nothin' but a hound dog..."

Ladies (and gents, if there are any who read this), I have discovered the perfect way to fulfill my love of baking without making myself completely and utterly fat: I found an organic dog biscuit cookbook! Yes, 100 all-natural recipes with which to spoil my dogs rotten. Best of all, every recipe is wheat, corn, and soy free - ideal for Lexi, our golden retriever, who is allergic to wheat. So far, both she and Gidget absolutely LOVE the "Elvis Pupsleys" (aptly named because they contain peanut butter and bananas. How freakin' cute is that?)

So. Today I am grateful for:
  • my two beautiful dogs and their unconditional love.
  • Jessica and Eric Talley, the authors of the cookbook and owners of the Bubba Rose Biscuit Company. Check them out at www.bubbarose.com.
  • U Village in Seattle, where my family and I spent a few hours shopping and wandering today. That whole area of Seattle is really beautiful... if I could ever afford it, I would totally live there.
  • my mom, for letting me take over her kitchen tonight.
  • good hair days. (Had to throw that in there. Because today, it was. And doesn't that always make things better?)

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