Sunday, August 16, 2009

Day 30: No Words

I'm not really sure what to say today, honestly. Anyone who knows me knows that I'm hardly ever at a loss for words, but today is one of those days. I'm just sort of here. It's not a bad thing at all. It just sort Maybe it's having spent the day taking care of Daisy or making sure that Sophie gets enough attention. Maybe it's the amazing ambition of taking two naps today. (Impressive...? Question mark...?) Today is an interesting foil to yesterday.

But, as always, there are still things to be grateful. They include:
  • the season premiere of Mad Men tonight. I kind of adore that show. Love the honesty. Love the clothes. Love the characters.
  • baked chicken with mushrooms and polenta. It's the first time I made it, and it was really good.
  • Daisy feeling comfortable coming to us. She's the sweetest thing. (She's also a dog.) I'm glad she thinks of our house as a safe place.
  • naps. Like I said, I somehow ended up taking two today. I'm not sure how that happened, but it felt really good. For some reason I've been exhausted lately.
  • weekends. I got out of the loop of actual weeks and actual time so much, that I forgot how amazing a good, relaxing weekend could be. Tomorrow I have to get plugged back in, but I feel a lot better about it having had this weekend.

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