Saturday, August 15, 2009

"I love you so much it's retarded!"

When one does a show one gets awesome, kick ass quotes, and my title reflects that. Someone said this backstage or in the dressing room and mayhaps they were quoting something else....I don't have a real reason for the quote, I just love it.

Anyways...things have been a wee bit crazy. The show I'm doing opened last night and went fairly well. Then I had a masterclass and show today and not to mention all the awesome rehearsals leading up to opening night! Haha. Sooo...the masterclass today was with this professor from China from a college in east China who wants to become a sister college with us. They're sending us 20 students in the spring for a collaboration. It should be epic. My point of explaining all this is because yesterday my practicing in the practice room went less than stellar, not gonna lie. Real bad. But today I kicked ass! It was amazing. I've been working on some new technique (all thanks to my wonderful voice teacher) and she and the head of the music/opera program were impressed (sigh of relief!). It was nice to get the positive feedback and have improved so much over summer which was the goal.

And with that:

  • My voice teacher.
  • Sweating it out in the practice room daily.
  • The new Black Eyed Peas CD. OMG---If you want a solid kick ass good time from start to finish get The E.N.D. (Thanks to Kari for the suggestion!)
  • A weekend of freedom!
  • Seeing The Time Traveler's Wife with the CO bff. Dinner and movie is gonna be awesome plus the book was UH-mazing. No joke.
  • My mama for picking up the phone everytime I call and not hanging up when it's me crying about something on the other end.
  • The new house and the new, quiet-in-the-morning roommates (THANK GOD!)
  • Nico Castel (what did people do before him and his awesome word-for-word translations of WHOLE OPERAS?!? Working on translating Magic Flute right now and I'd be doing it for ten more years with my silly dictionary without this brilliant man!)
  • Mac and Cheese. Made it for lunch and it was delish.
  • Glee. (thanks Sam!)
Good night peeps!

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