Sunday, August 16, 2009

Three Weeks

Three weeks from now I'll be back to Tacoma. Holy crap! I have SO much to do before then. And one thing is sleep. Hopefully without horrifying dreams tonight. So, here is a quick list of things that I'm thankful for today:
  • Spending two hours making photocopies. I'm sending NOMT care packages to Adrienne and Rebecca so they'll have recordings of the music and all the sheet music I've accumulated so far. I have more than half, which makes me feel really good.
  • Knowing that I'll have a NOMT cast four weeks from right now! Woot Woot!
  • The idea of being back in my apartment in three weeks. I miss it.
  • Knowing that I'm in a lot better shape than I was at the beginning of the summer.
  • Having three more weeks here in one of the most beautiful places on Earth.
  • Beautiful friends who institute vegetarian days, I swear I'll convert you all to my veggie way of life some day!
  • True Blood. It is brilliant. Though I love some story lines more than others, and I still need to watch season one!
  • Clean sheets that I'm about to curl up in, even if they do have holes that pooka chewed into them!!
  • All the work I'm going to get done in the next three weeks. 40 mini-monologues to write and six songs to choreograph! Here we GO!!!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks again for making vegetarian dining that much better with your lasagna recipe. I'm really excited to make it.

    You'll be happy to know that "vegetarian night" has become more than one night a week (and usually isn't restricted to the night). Half-converted already...
