Monday, August 24, 2009


As I discussed with Sam and Kelli this morning, the girls over at have proven what I've suspected for months: Vanessa Hudgens has a serious, debilitating disorder that has eliminated her ability to put on pants.

Seriously. Go look at her fug archive. No. Pants.

Now, while I do not understand Miss Hudgens' disorder (or its side-effect of also not being able to distinguish between a mini-dress and a shirt), I do have more sympathy towards her and her increasingly frequent nude photo scandals. I mean, obviously sister has only recently overcome her inability to clothe her upper body - we've got to be patient with her. We can only hope that in time, and with plenty of encouragement, she will learn to dress her lower body as well. To make matters worse, she's dating Zac Effron, which means she probably spends a great deal of time naked. Whether you consider him talented or not... can you really blame her?

I also fear that this extremely contagious disorder is spreading to other Hollywood "starlets." The fug girls have plenty of examples. And ladies, leggings are not the cure. Leggings are not pants. Just wanted to clear that up.

Today, I am grateful for pants. And that we all possess the ability to wear them.

1 comment:

  1. Vanessa Hudgens? I'm pretty sure the Fug Girls have proven that it's LiLo and Lady GooGoo (messed that up on purpose...) that canNOT wear pants. Sad day. Also sad that The Hudge is also being grouped into this company.
