Saturday, August 15, 2009



There's not much more that I want to say in this post. It was a good day. I was going to say that I was grateful for my free panty coupon at VS, free item with (my mom's) purchase at BBW, and two coupons making my book at Borders come to exactly $1.08.

But then my family sat down and we watched August Rush. Seriously. SO. GOOD. It may not be everyone's cup of tea, but it's just beautiful. The entire film just has this wonderful flow and the music is spectacular and the story is all sweet and hopeful and then of course you get the added goodness of how beautiful Jonathan Rhys-Myers is, especially when singing and playing guitar and speaking in a beautiful Irish accent and then there's the adorable children and wow. The music. I'm downloading it as I type, because it's just lovely.

We finished the movie, and my dad immediately picked up his guitar, and the second I was at a stopping point in my texting conversation, I went to the piano and ended up playing/singing for over an hour instead of going to bed, even though I have a 7am walk/run date with my mother in the morning before a very long Saturday. I just wanted to make music. And I did, and it was lovely. And now I'm going to stop gushing and go to sleep with music playing and be happy.


  1. OK...I'll let you think it's a good movie cause you had a cool organic moment with music but SERIOUSLY? (Although what's his face is hot) but STILL. Ugh. Sooooo terrible and unrealistic (believe me, I DID suspend my beliefs...). Le sigh. OK, I'm done now....BUT I love you!

    Oh and total side note my brother had his wedding at the Blue Mouse theater and they showed Newsies at the end and it was awesome, not gonna lie. I maaay have sung along like an annoying person.

  2. Oh, don't get me wrong. I realize it's completely unrealistic. I normally scoff at storylines that fairy tale-esque that aren't actually fairy tales, and I've had enough musical training to realize the unrealistic side of that as well. But because of the way it was put together, I didn't care. That's why I love not having more formal training than I do. Because I can set all that aside way easier than someone who has possibly can. Which, while it can be annoying when I'm plunking my way through a new piece at the piano, is a wonderful thing when I just want to enjoy a movie about music.

    And your brother and his new wife may just be my favorite couple ever for doing that. Singing along to Newsies is totally allowed. I probably would have danced too.

  3. I've never seen the movie, but that's so cool that it inspired you to play music all night. I have a soft spot in my heart for movies that bring something out of a person, whether they're quality movies or not.
