Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Day 25: Tales From the Bad Years

I hate going to the doctor. With a passion. They poke and prod just to tell me things I already know. Basically, the only reason I tolerate going to one is to get my antidepressants and to make sure my body is no longer eating itself. (How's that for a mental image?) So, obviously, when I woke up this morning, I was less than thrilled at the knowledge that I had an appointment today. I actually did a celebratory happy dance when I thought I would have to cancel. But no such luck.

On the bright side, I have now had a medical professional tell me that I'm pretty healthy. She gets a big time Minus Ten for telling me my weight and expecting me to be happy. ("Wonderful! I had no idea that chub-tastic was actually the goal! That makes me feel ever so much better!") But in a way, it is nice to know that I'm not just fooling myself into thinking that I'm improving. I still have depression and body image issues to work out, and eating consistently leaves something to be desired, but hell. Baby steps. Baby steps.

My list o' gratefulness:
  • surviving my doctor's appointment and not having to go back for six months - Cue the happy dance.
  • my walk-in closet - I love. Seriously. I had no idea what I was missing. There's so much space!
  • Kerrigan & Lowdermilk - I had totally forgotten about their music for a while, but they're still a favorite. Tales From the Bad Years is such a great show. So relatable. "How to Return Home" and "Twenty-Something" have been on constant repeat lately.
  • big jewelry -Giant earrings have special powers of happiness. It's true.
  • turkey burgers - They're one of my new favorite foods. My parents are doing "regular burgers" tonight, but I have a new turkey burger recipe that I've been waiting to try.

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