Friday, August 28, 2009

"I'll give you days full of dreams if you travel my way, and a summer you can't repeat..."

I had one of those extremely unproductive, uneventful days today. And not really in a good way. I was home alone almost all day, which would normally be blissful, except for the fact that I spent the majority of my time trying to entertain Gidget. I love my pup, I really do, but today once again proved why I could never, ever be a stay-at-home mom. I went stir-crazy. I hate being cooped up with nothing to do.

That being said, I started to consider just not blogging today because I felt so dull. But that's really the point of this blog - to find things we're grateful for every day, especially if we're feeling monotonous or depressed or angry or whatever.

So. Here's a short list of things I am grateful for today:
  • Bravo, Bones, and CSI, which kept me mostly entertained and provided background noise.
  • hummus and rice crackers.
  • having a beautiful, sweet, healthy puppy, even if she drives me insane sometimes.
  • heavy summer rain.
  • Bailey's Irish Cream over vanilla ice cream.
  • texting with Kelli.
  • an open invitation to visit Sam in The Ark.
  • Jack Hannahan, the Mariner's 3rd baseman. So. Cute.
And this video. (Which I can't remember if I've posted before or not...) It's 3 songs I lovelovelove put together.

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