Monday, August 3, 2009

Geyser BINGO!

So, my mom and I have this thing where if we see five or more major geysers in a day we call it Geyser Bingo! We saw fountain geyser this morning and amazingly it wasn't overly steamy! Then we saw a fantastic Riverside, where a huge buck deer in velvet walked behind it while it was erupting! Then we saw Oblong, then Castle and then a fantastic Grand! It was just a spectacular day. And I read Strike Up the Band for a few hours while we waited and I got through the 30's and the 40's. It is fascinating what happened at the birth of musical theatre and that Rogers and Hammerstein only got together because Hart had an alcoholic breakdown. And who knew psychoanalysis played such a huge role in the evolution of Musical Theatre?

So, today, I'm thankful for amazing geysers in amazing Yellowstone in he morning!
  • Finding out fascinating new details about the history of musical theatre.
  • Weeds being hilarious, as always.
  • Anna Deveare Smith being on Nurse Jackie, and being wonderfully witchy.
  • Pooka.
  • My dad and I riding our bikes SUPER fast around town to beat the rain.
  • Amazing FAGE yogurt. Soooo yummy. Particularly on a hot day. It is going to be hard to go back to being vegan after rediscovering the yummiest of all yummy yogurt!
  • Summer melons.
  • Being able to eat only a small amount of chocolate! Yay for self control and feeling like I really have my eating disorder under control!
  • My pump. Again, it has really changed my life. I love love love it. So much better than a boyfriend! :)

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