Monday, August 3, 2009

Day 17: On the Road Again

Waking up in a (comfortable) hotel bed this morning, I'm looking forward to making it home late tonight. Philly was great, and I can't wait to go back, but until then, home is going to feel really nice.

Today, I am grateful for:
  • getting to sleep in my own bed tonight.
  • my Lady Antebellum CD playing on my Ipod. I never get bored with it.
  • looking through my camera to find some awesome brother/sister shots on it.
  • finally turning my cell phone off. (It's been about a year since I turned my phone off for a reason other than a flight. But turning it off to sleep last night was so relaxing.)
  • the roads around here being so gorgeous. It'll make the 13 hour drive far more enjoyable.

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