Friday, August 7, 2009

August 7th

Today I'm grateful for:
  • friends who are eager and willing to help hijack a plane just to see Jeanine and Jason (of SYTYCD) perform at the Jason Mraz concert in Chicago.
  • dance. (As always. For many reasons.)
  • Jason Mraz. (Again, as always. For many reasons.) I love that he brought his positivity, his grateful spirit, and his awesome music to the Today show this morning. If you want to see the performance, as well as the brief interview, it's on the Today Show website. Jason's acoustic music was also the background soundtrack while mom and I made soup tonight.
  • Chocolate peanut butter cookies. Delicious. I really need to get cast in a show soon... when I have too much down time, I bake. And that's really not good for my waistline. I'm actually thinking of making little care packages for people so I can fulfill my need to bake without having a bunch of things around the house that I'll end up eating.
  • Having callbacks for 2 shows at TMP this coming Monday and Tuesday. I'm crossing my fingers and knocking on wood that they'll announce callbacks for Rent asap... and that I'll be on that list...
  • Sam's plot for world domination.
  • the perfect deep dark purple nail polish I found at Victoria's Secret the other day.
  • having friends who understand my frustrations with living at home again and send humorous texts that help me get through those aggravating moments.

1 comment:

  1. You'll have to let me know what countries and states (which I'm assigning individually) you want when I take over the world.

    And congrats on the callbacks. I'm sure you'll rock those bitches.
