Sunday, August 2, 2009

Switching Gears

SO much to be grateful for today, like all days I suppose. I decided to end my juice fast after only a day and a half, but instead of getting down on myself for "not sticking with it" or anything like that I am going to pat myself on the back for really listening to my body and realizing that this is not the right time for me to take on this adventure. Eventually it will be time. I know it. But for now there is simply too much amazing fruit and spinach around. Instead I'm going to focus on whole foods for the rest of the summer, and the rest of my life really! So, besides food, I am so grateful for so many things today:
  • Having a kick ass song list for NOMT that I'm super excited about.
  • Knowing that I will have an amazingly talented NOMT cast six weeks from TODAY!
  • Having beginnings of choreography starting to kick around in my head.
  • Meeting random people in Yellowstone today from cities where I want to go to grad school. It really just made my choices seem that much more "meant to be."
  • Meeting teenagers who actually like geysers and aren't just pissed at their parents for taking them to Yellowstone, again. :)
  • Spending an amazing day with my amazing mother.
  • Not getting sunburnt!
  • Finding my absolute FAVORITE brand of yogurt (FAGE) at our tiny little local grocery store. Seriously, if you have not had this yogurt try to find it. 17g of protein in only 130 calories, AND it tastes AMAZING! Also, best texture of a yogurt EVER! You can tell how much I love this yogurt, right?
  • Finally seeing Fountain geyser in the afternoon where I could see all its blue glory without it being shrouded in steam.
  • My insulin pump.
  • How amazing my blood sugars were on my fast. It makes me think that perhaps I should cut out all forms of sweeteners, which would be tough, but using 1/2 as much insulin as normal was AWESOME!
  • Starting to fit back into clothes that I love!
  • The other beautiful women who contribute to this amazing blog. It is so fun to read about all the amazing things that are going on in our lives all over the country!
  • Smiles.
  • Dry brushing. (if you haven't tried it, you are missing out!)
  • Sooo much more! But I'll save a few for tomorrow! :)

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