Thursday, August 6, 2009

"It could be very urgent, or it could be Topher calling to tell me his sweater is itchy."

The title has nothing to do with the post. It's just amusing to me. Watch Dollhouse and you'll understand.

I've spent my day amusing a 10 year old, cleaning through yet more boxes of my junk, and watching some damn good tv. The cleaning made me grumpy, but overall, it was a day full of things to be grateful for. So here's a list!

-Jason Mraz. No matter how many times I say it and how many times I listen, his music makes me happy. Beautiful, moving, funny, ridiculous, whatever mood I'm in, Jason knows how to sing it!
-Joss Whedon. In addition to creating several fabulous shows, he's not afraid to put actresses on tv who are bigger than a size two and make them just as beautiful and complex and sexually confident as the tiny girls. I love Joss, and this is only one thing that makes me love him more.
-Dance. I may not be an extremely technically trained dancer, but I've been swing/blues dancing for four years now, and ballroom dancing for a year and a half. I love it. There are few things better than a really good blues dance, and it's a wonderful feeling to just move to music. I need to go dancing again soon. I also adore watching dance, and So You Think You Can Dance was wonderful tonight.
-Hearing the news that Tyce's friend (Michelle?) has been diagnosed as being cancer free. It's amazing to think that I can have so much joy over a person I've never met. Proof that dance can make an emotional connection like not much else.
-Leggings. (Before I get stoned, let me clarify.) When worn as intended-not as pants, but like I did today, under a dress around the house because it was a little chilly.
-My shoonk? shunk? shuuunk? blanket. Cuddly bliss.
-Strawberries. Need I say more?

Anways, I've promised my mother that I'll get up early and run/walk the lake with her tomorrow at the god forsaken 6am, so I'm going to bed now. Goodnight, ladies and anyone else who may stumble upon this little experiment of a blog.


  1. Shoonk.

    And since you're going to be up so freakishly early, I thought you might like to know that Jason will be on the Today show tomorrow (I guess technically today...) So that might make the morning a bit better. :)

  2. It's crazy how attached we all felt to Michelle just because of that routine. I definitely got a little choked up when it was announced that she is now cancer free. I wish there was a way to show that much support for everyone like that. (That would be one hell of a dance-athon.)

  3. I love that everyone else is commenting about music or dance and I'm going to talk about the LEGGINGS. Thank GOD you know they're not pants!!!!!!! Love you Kelli!
