Saturday, August 22, 2009

Highs and Lows

Today has been a day of highs and lows, both in my feelings and emotions and in my blood sugars. So all in all it has been rather frustrating. I couldn't remember a few of the cuts tonight so my scenes sucked, and I hate when I feel poorly about a performance, especially when it isn't really my fault. I mean, is it fair to make cuts to lines that are going perfectly after you've said them correctly over 30 times!? Especially in a show with so much audience interaction that changes every night. Dave and I are struggling so much and we used to have the best scenes in the show. It really just doesn't seem fair, but that is theatre and life I guess. Also, I found out that I may be in serious trouble in terms of the NOMT account and not having enough money to get microphones this year. I have a phone date with Lace to hopefully figure that out on Monday morning, but I'm very worried.

On the bright side I wrote my the monologues for the 1800's through 1979 for NOMT! I am very excited about how much the audience (and more so) my actors are going to learn about the history of musical theatre! That is huge weight off my shoulders. About 15 minutes of talking down, about 10 or so left to go. Strike Up the Band has truly been an invaluable resource in this process.

I also had my blood sugar go low on street and Denise called me a temperamental actress after I told Lisa that I wanted to keep one of two of my monologues that haven't already been cut! I was a little forceful about it, but seriously! They made SEVEN cuts in the show this week and ALL from my scenes!! I wanted to slap her and tell her that at least I know my lines, but I just cried a bit instead.

So here is my list, despite my frustrating day:
  • Getting started on the monologue writing. It is a lot of work, but it is totally going to be worth it.
  • Rebecca Sharp.
  • Adrienne Fletcher.
  • Only having to do the show five more stinking times.
  • Getting to see Amber and possibly Sasha in Missoula this Monday!
  • Going raw again starting Wednesday. My body is ready to feel healthy again!
  • Knowing that my A1C (the test that shows your average blood sugar over three months) is going to be much lower than it was at the beginning of the summer because of my super awesome pump!
  • This blog, for making me feel grateful when I want to scream and hide from the world.
  • Going in the park super early tomorrow morning with my mom. I kinda wish I could just quit the theatre and spend my last two weeks in the park, but alas, I will make due with the few days I have left in there. It is truly magical, and perhaps tomorrow Fan and Mortar will go off for me!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry you may not have the funds you need for NOMT. Donations were down last year as opposed to, say, Kristin's NOMT. Natalie's NOMT spent a chunk but didn't raise a heck of a lot, which didn't help.
    You should definitely apply for a grant from the Appropriations Board once school starts - Lace can tell you more about this. Essentially, they have a large pot of money sitting around specifically for student clubs and organizations, and they just wait for good proposals from clubs to give it out. They WANT to give people money. You just need to ask for it.
