Monday, August 10, 2009

Back in FoCo

So it's been a few days since the wedding and I'm STILL tired. Don't plan a wedding's rough, not gonna lie. AND the show I'm in opens Thursday (ACK!) so things are continuing at ful speed. I'm in my new place which is AWEsome. I'm totally falling in love with it. It's pretty adorable. Right now I'm here alone which is nice because I've been unpacking and getting settled and I've been leaving messes (small ones!) here and there, which I'll clean up soon, I swear! ANYWAYS, life is good. Show opens Thur, masterclass Fri AND the opening of Time Traveler's Wife with Rachel McAdams and Steamy McSteam Face Eric Bana. LOVED the book and I know the movie'll be different, but I don't care. Linds and I will be first in line to see this awesome movie which will undoubtedly end with me crying like a big fat baby. Bring. It.

Man I'm grateful today about a LOT of things:

  • CABLE!!!!! OMG. For serious, people. When you don't have cable for a year (which surprisingly I was able to quit cold turkey when I moved here) it's like going back on crack. Or crack fries. I could watch BRAVO all day and NEVER be bored.
  • Bravo: Kathy Griffin, Real Housewives, Top Chef....sigh.
  • Lifetime. LET ME EXPLAIN: Has ANYONE seen Drop Dead Diva? It's bloody brilliant! Not gonna lie.
  • Comedy Central: Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert rock my world.
  • Switching my crazy internet line through Verizon into a cell phone line for my mama. I can now call her FOR FREE! Holla. Love the mama.
  • My cute house. It's nice to be in a house after only living in apartments. Our kitchen is ESPECIALLY cute.
  • My bed. When I got back to FoCo I forgot how much I loved my bed till the last few nights.
  • Walking ACROSS THE STREET to practice. I did it today for the first time and it felt amazing.
  • New musical theater music. Picked some up from my friend David whilst I was in town and ran through some of it today. I love it. I cannot wait until I get to perform some of them!
  • Cue to cue. I know, crazy, right? And it was a wee bit painful---but so many awesome jokes happen when you're deliriously tired and standing around forEVER. Plus Claeb's girlfriend brought cold pizza and it was the most delicious thing I'd ever tasted, esp since we were all starving.
  • Texting with my mom. Now that she has a cell phone again we've been texting. There's nothing like texting with the parentals.
Good night peeps!

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