Sunday, July 26, 2009


My mom and I had a marvelous day in Yellowstone today. It was simply wonderful. We started out seeing Fountain, which was beautiful. I feel like it is the closest you can get to the ocean while being very landlocked. It is simply magical. Then we went to see Riverside, and only had to wait a few minutes in the blazing heat. Then Fan and Mortar went into an event cycle! I haven't seen Fan and Mortar for years, which was incredible! I got SOAKED. It is an amazing geyser that only goes off every 3-10 days and shoots amazing amounts of water all the way over the boardwalk and I got positively SOAKED. Just FYI, geyser water tastes a little, funky...

So today I'm thankful for Yellowstone and Geysers.
Other things I'm grateful for:
  • Chipmunks
  • Blueberries
  • Taking the time to cook my organic vegan Amy's frozen dinner in the oven rather than throwing it in the microwave.
  • Patricia C. Wrede. (Seriously, read her books)
  • The Firehole river swimming area finally being open!
  • Finally starting choreographing NOMT, and working on it on the boardwalk while I waited for Fountain geyser this morning.
  • Spinach, especially in the summer.
  • Tamora Pierce (best author EVER, I'm very passionate about this one, I can't wait for In the Hand of the Goddess to come out in French!)
  • Summertime!
  • Knowing that I will have a cast for NOMT in 7 weeks!
  • Life.
  • Jason Mraz's blog. Inspiring. Still debating whether or not to go to his concert Sept. 27th in Portland...

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