Monday, July 20, 2009

Thunderstorms and THE Last Piece of Cake

What's that you say? There is no more rainbow chip cake with rainbow chip frosting? Alas, it is all gone. And let me say that it was sooooo delish. For reals. I tried something that my friend Lindsey loves to do with cake and cupcakes which is to put it in the fridge and eat it cold. Although it was STILL delish, not as great as fluffy room-temp cake. Just sayin'. HOWEVER, still super grateful that I ended my day with it.

I shall now list-it-up with my gratefulness:

  • Cake (OBV!!!)
  • The thunderstorm that is happening Right. Now. (Sam told me of the cool rainstorm that was happening in the Ark, and I can say I was jealous...but try and top my thunder/rain/ lightening show right now. It's hard to beat, I'm sure).
  • Foreign Films. Just finished watching Der Leben der Anderen oder The Lives of Others. Brilliant. Bloody brilliant movie about the Stasi in East Germany.
  • Moving. Although I dislike the actual moving part, I'm moving to a better place sans cats and I couldn't be more grateful about that.
  • Wedding invitations. Got my brother's in the mail today and it was super cute. Love them.
  • Astronauts on the moon. I do believe that Neil Armstrong landed on the moon today a long time ago today though....haha. I'm also grateful that I still find that cool. Listening to NPR today they interviewed people who aren't phased by people being on the moon. They're on the FRICKIN MOON PEOPLE. That's cool; like whoa.
  • Ray LaMontagne. He makes me happy and I have Natalie to thank for discovering him.
  • My re-awakening of my Grey's Anatomy obsession. (Can. Not. Wait. for the fifth season to come out on dvd. EEEEEKKKK!!!!).
Well I do believe that is all for today...tune in tomorrow for the awesomeness that shall undoubtedly ensue in my life (and if it doesn't I'll find some gosh darnit!).

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