Friday, July 31, 2009

Done and Done

HOLLA! Just finished moving all my shtuff...which was quite the adventure, especially since the girls that live there now haven't finished moving out yet and so the house is in major, major chaos. But it's cool cause I'M GOING HOME TOMORROW!!!!!!! If my hands didn't hurt from cleaning I'd put like ten million more exclamation points. So, ya know. Anyhoo...I got some pretty kick ass books from the library for the trip home (if I don't pass out from exhaustion) and plan to read as much as possible when I'm not visiting with the fam or seeing friends or stuffing my face at Farrelli's. (Seriously, nothing compares to Farrelli's out here in FoCo. Like what does it take to get a kick ass happy hour menu where I can get a lemon drop and artichoke dip for hella cheap? Seriously.) So I cannot wait for said stuffing of face...if only I also had time to go to the Ring Cycle at Seattle Opera! (There's also NOTHING that compares to Seattle Opera. Seriously CO, pull yourself together. You're disgracing opera with those child-like sets, hideous costumes and lip syncing. Ugh.) But enough negativity, cause I'm in a stellar mood. For reals.

I've finished moving, eaten a mondo burrito from Chipotle and no longer have to deal with my crazy Polish land lady anymore! WOOT.

I'm especially grateful for:
  • Friends who work for airlines so you can fly cheap! (YES!)
  • Chipotle for their amazing burritos.
  • Friends who help you move (I've said this before, but SERIOUSLY. It made life so much easier)
  • Trying to clean a rug, getting stung by a bee (twice) and having some random person also cleaning in the house have a handy remedy for it! (It is this: Baking soda and a little water to make a paste and put it on the sting---it "neutralizes it" as the lady said. Thank you lovely stranger!)
  • Having one of many BFF's pick me up from the airport tomorrow! Insta-friend-bonding-amazingness shall commence the minute I land!
  • Getting random videos from my aunt starring my wee cousin. She's frakkin' adorable. Cannot wait to give her a bear hug.
  • Learning all about D & D thanks to the show I'm doing currently (
So that's it for now--but obv I'm super excited and Can.Not.Wait to get on an airplane.

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