Thursday, July 23, 2009

July 23rd

Tonight's offering of gratitude will unfortunately have to be kept short since I still need to review for my final tomorrow morning before going to bed. (And I'm already sleepy.) But I didn't want to end the night without offering up at least a little of my gratitude for the day.

Today I'm grateful for:
  • sleeping in, even if it was totally on accident and made me miss class.
  • the absolutely awesome feeling that came with purging so much of the junk from high school that was still in my room at my parent's house, including senior pictures of my ex-boyfriend and I.
  • my mom helping me with said purging, and paying for the new paint.
  • that SYTYCD has run for 100 episodes!
  • Wade dancing in Ramalama (his zombie routine) and proving that he's not only a badass choreographer but also still a badass dancer.
  • coffee almond fudge ice cream.
  • feeling fairly confident that even if I don't get that much studying in tonight, I'll still pass the final. I won't ace it, but I'm going to pass... and that's really all I care about.

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