Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Day 12

I'm about an hour away from heading out the door on the way to Philadelphia. It's honestly like my Christmas. I couldn't sleep last night. I was super focused, and now that it's morning, I want to go downstairs and jump on my parents' bed screaming, "I'm gonna see Nate!" until they get in the car. Seriously, the only way this could get better is if we get there and find out that he's found a magical cupcake that has no calories and no fat. I'm honestly considering stepping away from typing this to jump around for joy.

Hold for a moment, please.

Okay, now that that is out of my system, I'm going to finish getting my stuff together. And then maybe go rhythmically hit something until my parents go as fast as I want them to...

But first, I should mention what I'm grateful for today. Among many things, I am grateful for:
  • the fact that I get to see Nate tomorrow. It's a two day drive, but it's so worth it.
  • something in my collegiate experience that taught me to sleep anywhere. I can see a nap needing to happen once this excitement wears off.
  • Sophie being okay. I had to rush her the vet yesterday, but she's all taken care of now and is all set to travel.
  • my Ipod. It's going to be essential for a road trip with my parents.
  • the awesome books that I'm bringing with me. There's something fun about reading Jack Kerouac while actually being on the road.

1 comment:

  1. I'm picturing you jumping up and down on your parents' bed like a 4 year old, and I can't stop laughing. Thank you for that wonderful mental image to start my overly hot day with.
