Saturday, July 25, 2009

The Morning

Today Anne and I actually got up and walked before she had to go to work! It was wonderful. I think we should maybe start a little earlier from now on (since it was already getting a little hot by 9:15 when we finished) but it was GLORIOUS! I love the morning so much.

I'm one of those people that is often torn. I love theatre, and thus I have to be a night person, and I love sleeping, so I love to sleep in on occasion, but I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE the morning. I swear there is a different energy about the earth itself before 9am. It is as if the whole world is rejoicing and vibrating at a higher energy level and just can't wait for you to be a part of it. So today I'm grateful for the morning.

Other things I'm grateful for:
  • Jason Mraz. Who I'm trying to debate if I'm going to try to see in either Spokane or Portland this September.
  • Life.
  • Love.
  • Laughter.
  • The sun.
  • Pooka, who napped with me this afternoon and then proceeded to "give me a bath" Tehe.
  • Green Smoothies.
  • Shakespeare in the Parks this evening!
  • Shakespeare, for that matter!
  • Having an amazing song line up for NOMT this fall and feeling so great about my production team and everything to do with all of it! :)
  • My adorable tiny green iPod. My Kiwi.
  • Bill Maher. If you don't watch Real Time with Bill Maher, I HIGHLY recommend it. Particularly this Friday's episode. BRILLIANT. And see Religulous if you haven't already.
  • Yoga, which I keep promising I'm going to start doing on a daily basis. Who knows, maybe today is the day!

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