Friday, July 31, 2009

Day 14: Fifteen Feet

I got in to Philadelphia last night after entirely too many hours on the road. (My trusty Ipod having kept me entertained along the way.) I was so excited to see Nate and his new city. This must be how I was when I was about ten because I'll do anything that Nate wants to do as long as I get to be with my big brother. I wonder if he ever got annoyed by that when we were younger...

This city is absolutely beautiful. I forgot what it was like to be in a big city, and Philly is a big city. It's densely populated by people and architecture, and there are a million little shops and restaurants. I feel like I could be super touristy here, taking pictures of all of the cool buildings and all of the amazing murals. There's just so much beauty that I feel the need to capture, but I don't want to focus so much on remembering it that I forget to experience it. So we'll see if the camera makes an appearance today.

With that, my list of gratefulness goes like this:
  • seeing my brother (Obv I priority lately.)
  • the single blow up mattress (and pump) my brother bought so I don't have to fit myself on his couch - Being 5'10'' does not lend itself well to sleeping on couches.
  • breakfast at Sabrina's (Cholla French Toast stuffed with cream cheese, topped with banana and drizzled in vanilla bean maple syrup) - Oddly, it was good enough so that I feel no guilt. It was an experience. An amazing one. Besides, Lauren, Kelli and I have a rule against exercising on vacation. (Seriously, it's a written rule.)
  • air conditioning - It's only about 85 degrees, but living on the Ark has me used to air conditioning.
  • the amazing murals in this city


  1. What's the fifteen feet thing in your title...did I misread something? Love YOU!!!!

  2. Fifteen feet is a Philly thing. A long time ago (read: I can't remember how long ago.), property taxes were based on how wide your house/business/whatever was, and you got charged for every fifteen feet. So there's a lot of skinny buildings that are tall and deep. I just thought it was a cool trivia thing.

  3. Oh cool! That IS a cool fact. Hope you're having a blast!
