Thursday, July 23, 2009


Today has been a kinda tough day. Pooka chewed through the tubing that connects my insulin pump to my body and I woke up from my lovely nap with crazy high blood sugars. Part of it was probably not eating as well as I should have today, but not getting insulin for a couple hours definately didn't help.

But I am determined to focus on the positive. So I too will say how grateful I am to Tyse Diorio for his amazing routine on SYTYCD last night. And I am just so grateful for dance. I often wish I would have really just bitten the bullet and moved when I was 12 to keep dancing instead of giving it up in favor of staying in West Yellowstone with my parents. Theatre, Dance and Music just move my soul so much, and I have been so drawn to dance in particular lately. I like to say that the intersection between Theatre is Dance is where I live, and I would love to live there for the next few years. So, today I'm grateful for dance and for my passion for dance.

Other things I'm grateful for:
  • Amazing books.
  • Pooka, despite his chewing habit.
  • My foot healing, slowly but surely, maybe I'll be able to wear shoes by the end of the week!
  • Great audiences that are really responsive at our melodrama.
  • Camrynn Carter, she turned six today, and I swear she is six going on 22.
  • My dad's adorable kittens.
  • Having the tools that I need to get in shape, really get my blood sugars under control, and finally lose my 45 lb. "security blanket" (now, to just impliment them!)
  • The movement of gratitude that I feel is starting to sweep the nation.
  • Petitions for national health care.
  • Southern France, where I will hopefully live before too long. :)

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