Tuesday, July 28, 2009


So. I haven't posted in a day or two (I've lost track) because needless to say the stress level had reached critical mass and it was hard to be grateful for stuff. Oh and I just plain forgot about it, too. All awesome excuses, I know, but bear with me. I hate feeling like things are out of control or like I don't know what's going on...which is exactly how it's felt these past few days. I have to move by the 31st and then leave on the 1st for the homeland (WA) and THANK GOD!! I need my fam super bad right now. You know you're homesick when you wish you were involved in the family drama along with the fun stuff. Bad news bears. So, yeah it's been slightly insane.

HOWEVER, I do have a few things I'm thankful for:

  • Old school Dixie Chicks--I don't like country, but they don't count. And they're perfect packing music, which is what I should be doing right now.
  • Friends who are gonna help me move.
  • All my cute shoes I'm taking with me to the homeland.
  • Harry Conick Jr. (yum!)--his music is also good packing music.
  • My aunt for calling 'just because'.
  • My cute little brother who's getting married in 10 days. (WHAT?!?)
  • Muffins. My roommate made some delish ones. I will miss her baking, that's fo sho.
Alright peeps, like Kelli you may not hear from me for awhile or it'll be off on as I move and then go home for this wedding. ACK. So. Once things settle I'm sure I'll have PLENTY to be thankful for.

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