Friday, July 24, 2009

Day 7

Today is a fairly unambitious day. Actually, today is a very unambitious day. My biggest chore is to give Sophie a bath, and while she hates baths (weird for a Golden Retriever), she cooperates just fine as long as I bribe her with peanut butter treats. Other than that, today will be a day of staying in sweat pants, reading, watching a little television, writing back to a few college friends, actually working on my writing, possibly cooking dinner/possibly just making a sandwich and a few projects in the process of making my room really mine. That's it.

On the one hand, I hate lazy because they make me feel so...lazy. On the other hand, they're kind of nice as long as they are peppered in few and far between days that actually have a purpose. Tomorrow will be purposeful. Today will be, and has been, restful. Today is for thinking.

Things I am grateful for today:
  • naps. After Sophie's 7am walk, I was exhausted. (It's going to take fire works, mimosas and a Beatles reunion tour for me to ever be thankful for 7am.) It felt so good to be able to get back into bed and just sleep.
  • cute stationary/greetings cards. A few friends and I write back and forth old school, and it's kind of fun looking for cards that will incorperate an inside joke that we have or that is perfect for the situation.
  • Peanut Lovers Chex Mix. It's the snack food of the day and the only thing stopping me from having more cupcakes.
  • the perfect arrangement of pillows.
  • quality reading, even if it isn't quality Literature. I'm in love with creative non-fiction, but I'm finding and remembering a few authors who do fun, well-written young adult fiction for women.

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