Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Even when it's tough.

There have been some trying moments today, but I'm determined to stay grateful for all that I have despite days when it could be so easy to feel sorry for myself. So, here I go with things that I'm grateful for today:

  • Finishing my ILL books before they have to get shipped back to Great Falls (last 60 pages in a few minutes in bed)
  • Weeds. Brilliant show.
  • Having six more weeks of summer! I've decided to focus on how many I have left instead of how few.
  • Researching Juice Feasting and going to Bozeman this week to get all the supplies I need to start a 14 day Juice Feast on the first of August.
  • My grad school guide that came today, though I'm not sure entirely how much help it will be, it is another tool at least.
  • That, even when I am stupid and eat an ice cream when I'm stressed out, that I know I've been eating well lately and doing things that are good for my body and not just giving in to old, bad habits.
  • Letting go, even when it seems everyone in my life is just trying to hurt me or put obstacles in my way. I know that I have power over my own happiness.

There are no justified resentments.

There is no way to happiness, happiness is the way.


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