Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Jazzing it up SANS BATS (the ANIMAL)

OK people, let's get one thing straight: BATS (the ANIMAL) should NEVER be allowed to just show up at rehearsals and start dive-bombing people. It's not cool. The humane society guy was all "He's disoriented because of the music and all the noise." Um. Really? Well we're SUPER disoriented because it's DIVING at us. (I promise I won't abuse the all caps!) And I promise I'm not completely complaining...cause there's some gratitude in here somewhere, I swear. Like the fact that I LOVE that animals (generally) aren't allowed to be at rehearsals (YAY!). Haha.

On a completely different note I've been compiling music for my brother's wedding and it's been beyond amazing. I don't think I could ever be a DJ cause that's like a lot of work and my brain doesn't work that way, but it's been fun pretending. So they're having their wedding at the Blue Mouse Theater and doing a whole movie/jazz/we're-cool-and-we-know-it wedding. I love them so much! They're also going to Paris for their honeymoon so I've been pulling out all the jazz I can find (and other cool/chill/fun music). It's been a fun journey.

So we shall now marvel at my gratefulness (mayhaps that sounded ungrateful, but it's not, I swear!)

  • Jazz
  • Ella Fitzgerald singing jazz.
  • KICK-ASS voice lessons. And I DO mean kick ass.
  • My voice teacher who rocks my world and tells it like it is.
  • Bats at the zoo (and not in a music hall dive bombing my head)
  • Moving to a house across the street from the music building. LITERALLY. Across. the. street. Loves it.
  • Witty friends who help me get through semi-long/annoying/kill-me-now rehearsals.
The next time you listen to some jazz, break out the wine and pretend you're in PAREE!!!!


  1. Check out Raphaella Eva's CD, C'est meilleur quand c'est chaud. Awesome french singer with a funky jazzy sound. :)
