Sunday, July 26, 2009

Grateful to NOT be a waitress!!!!!

Wow. Today was the second day that I've ever been a caterer and HolyMoly! WOWZA. It stinks. For reals people. I mean it's the closest I'll ever come to waitressing and I have a new, huge, like-whoa respect for them. And janitors. I had to mop at the end of the night, all exhausted-like and it took ALL my energy to do it. So once again I'm blogging past 'the day' but as Clare said, I'm a crazy Night Owl because of theater and music (and my mom and grandma who passed down this lovely trait to me). ANYWAYS. The point is that I'm so incredibly grateful to be able to do odd jobs here and there and then say "I don't have to do that again if I don't want to." It's a wonderful feeling.

And with that I'm grateful for:
  • Free food. I move in less than a week and refuse to buy food cause I'll have to move it and then it'll go bad cause I'm going home for my brother's wedding. AND I'm poor.
  • Chipotle and their ridiculous I-can-get-two-meals-(or maybe three)-out-of-this burritos. Yum.
  • Chocolate covered strawberries. Double yum.
  • Finding some good books at the library today.
  • Working on my "moving Karma" as one friend put it tomorrow by helping some friends move (and they'll help me in return! Yay!)
  • Chatting on the phone with my brother today. He's crazy busy because of work and planning the wedding so it was nice that he made some time for me today. (Love him!)
  • The promise of Chai Shakes with one of my bff's tomorrow whilst figuring out opera goodness. (Sam you know of what I speak....)
Goodnight blogosphere! And again, it's still Saturday to me!!!!!

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