Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Day 11

I head for Philadelphia tomorrow. It's a two day drive, so we (my parents, Sophie and I) are spending the first night in West Virginia, and by the end of day two, we will be happily in Philly. This is exciting for two reasons: a) I have never been to the birthplace of the Philly Cheese Steak and the Fresh Prince, and b) my older brother moved there in March, and I haven't seen him since.

My brother and I are freakishly close as far as siblings go. We never fought as children, and he has always been there for me, even when I thought I was absolutely crazy. Sure, he did the over-protective brother thing (He told the first guy I brought home that if he ever called again he would rip his arms off and feed them to him without letting him chew.), but he's always let me live my life. He took me out for my twenty-first birthday, talked me through a hard break up and has always made sure that I was comfortable with the move from Seattle.

I could not be more excited to see him. Especially after the past forty-eight hours, a vacation is exactly what I need, and this is the best vacation I can think of.

So today, I am grateful:
  • for this trip.
  • for the Jason Mraz, Duffy and Lady Antebellum CDs that will be blasting in the car.
  • that the low that was yesterday and the night before has dissipated into complete excitement.
  • for coffee. I will need a lot of it for the next few days.
  • for getting to rest up today (Originally we were going to leave today.) and make sure that the depression is behind me, at least for now.

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